What does Courage mean to you?
🎯 Is it being brave and roaring like a Lion?
🎯 Is it standing out of the crowd and saying I can do what you can’t even think of?
🎯 Is it that add-on mask you wear to showcase to the rest of world “Look how strong I am..” though flooded with fears and timidity inside?
I feel,
💪🏼Courage is grace under pressure that cannot be explained in words..
💪🏼Courage is knowing how to suffer or learning how to suffer..
💪🏼Courage doesn’t always roar! Sometimes it’s that suffering silent voice saying somewhere in nook and corner of the world around us-“it’s ok.. it happens..this is my one small part of life.. I will move on.. I will wipe tears.. I will shine slowly slowly… in my own pace gradually …amidst wounds, sores, radiation, chemo monster, painful nights, tiring days, words of sympathy, pitiful eyes, etc etc.. maybe not like a phoenix.. but like a very very tiny pink star! I will not give up for sure. I will be fine one day!’ (though heart and rest of the organs are weeping inside).
Salute and cheers to all the pink heroes roaring with courage in this pinktober.
Note: Caption and zentangle inspired by Mary Anne Radmacher