A prayer is our soul connect with God, to express a hope or a wish. It is a communication made quietly through a heart.
Have we not heard this umpteen times, “We have given the medicines, all they need is prayers now”.
What does a prayer really do – It helps us send the positivity and strength through vibrations cosmically to the person, in need of the energy.
We are SAAISHA volunteers, we crotchet and knit knockers and beanies. We do voluntary work without being asked to and without expecting any rewards. It has helped us in our spiritual growth and better physical and mental well-being. Any voluntary work is incomplete without a holistic approach.
A few months ago, Swapna told me a very beautiful thing. She said when you are doing voluntary work for someone battling/surviving a major disease, always say a prayer for the
warrior before starting a weave. What a beautiful expression of love sent from a pure heart, for an unknown being having a life crises………miles away you do not know who reaps the positive impact of your silent prayers. Unknown women, praying and working for unknown warriors, getting connected
through a web of human kindness and love…….ensuring miracles to happen.
Women weaving yarns
Of love and care….
Trying to soothe the
Pain and tears…..
Stay strong dear warriors
Our prayers say we are there…….
Swapna Menon and Namrata Malghani